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Zoho CRM, Simple, Powerful, and Affordable

Recently I have done several transfers and initial set ups in Zoho CRM.  There are three key reasons for this, it's simple, powerful, and affordable. 

Zoho has simple, straight forward appearance that when contrasted to other CRM systems allows it to be easily navigated, customized, and most importantly adopted.  This combined with simple set up interfaces that allow customization at various levels provides a clear advantage over other CRM systems. 

Powerful tools come standard with Zoho, including mass emailing, web to lead / contact, case management, invoicing, workflow, and pricing tools at most paid levels.  Combine this with a wide range of tools that can be integrated from other Zoho services and integration with Google Apps and you have a enterprise level system. 

Cost is not a problem with Zoho, it is affordable.   Zoho's nearest competitor based on functionality is Salesforce.   For a Salesforce instance with similar functionality with Zoho the price is about $60 per user a month.  With Zoho the cost is about $20 a month, with the ability to add great functionality like Mail and Project management for the incremental price of between $3 - $5 a month.  

If you would like to find out more about Zoho CRM, click here, Zoho CRM or feel free to contact me. 

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