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What happens when you used a unsecured hot spot?

The risks of using a unsecured WiFi hot spot seem limited when you are desperately looking for a internet connection, but think again.    Here is a great article on what can be seen when you cruise the internet on a unsecured hot spot, 

Here's what an eavesdropper sees when you use an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot

With this in mind, here are some quick tips when using WiFi networks.

- Use only secure WiFi networks, such as WPA or WPA 2 secured networks.

- If there is not a secure network, try using a mobile WiFi hotspot from a mobile service provider, or a tethered connection through your mobile telephone.

-  If you borrow someone's secure network, ensure that you turn off File Sharing.   In many instances you may think that you are secure, but then you fail to confirm that File Sharing is turned off and all of your files are secure.  


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